Monday, September 1, 2008

Release the Beast

This weekend went to see my cousins in Virginia Beach. I love them so much. I stayed with my cousin Samantha at the place where she's dogsitting at. The dog, Bella, was such a little brat. It were eat dirt, pick up "articles" of clothing and put them in the living room, pick up toys and bug you, etc. Bella would push the door open in the morning and wake us up. So yesterday morning, Samantha got up and put her hands up against the door and waited. Bella headed the door and after the second try she gave up. Samantha later told me that it was like "keeping out a monster." 

We basically ate everything in sight and watched scary movies every night (I think I saw every scary movie with Sarah Michelle Gellar this weekend). We swam in the pool today and played volleyball for an hour and a half. We also played cornhole (which I am a beast at) with some of their friends. Most of the guys were so amazed that a girl was so on target. 

1 comment:

212 Poplar said...

i love them too! miss you!